Shalyn Oswald
User Experience Designer, Consultant, Mentor
Hi, my name is
and I am a

Client Work
Client work, focusing on
Salesforce technology.

Human-centered design and innovation: my two passions.
NYC-Based, Toronto-Born
I believe that empathy and communication are the most valuable skills that I possess. Most every other skill can be learned easily, but those two are an important determinant for how well one can work, with whom one can work, and how well the product will work.
I have been dabbling in website design for a very long time, and have always had a strong understanding of people and what they want and need, or ways of finding that out. Being able to use my knowledge and skills in new and helpful ways is my passion, and working on internal systems has been as much challenging as it has been rewarding.
Whether on desktop, mobile, a product, application, facilitation, or game, I am passionate about people-centered design and about creating new and innovative products to surprise and delight.
Recent Reads:
The Gamers Brain: How Neuroscience and UX Can Impact Video Game Design - Celia Hodent
Information Architecture: For the Web and Beyond - Louis Rosenfeld and Peter Morville
Site Theme:
Color of the Year 2019 - Living Coral